OCR text
M@0e589 Fan Memorial Institute of Biology FLORA OF SZECHUAN Field No.....£02 soon WATE... WA MATLED 0 xo} co Pd a o on 2 oad Bon a a) fo} fo} oO Locality ........ Ge ABTA... so DUIBTD 0c eccecccccees Habitat...3 Height ee... D. BF, Flower... dA¢ BAY... PURE DAG. Fruit Common Name on amily. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN D2 00 5 Ve eaters 2) Ba eee en ei ee nin Mente. “migpefucmretitivnm, {3, » CAP Ch » Collector F. T. Wang. E01476879
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet