OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH i E01468491 R. cephalanthum Franchet subsp. platyphyllum (Balf. & Sm.) Cullen Det. J. Cullen, 1978 PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Yunnan Rhododendron pi yohy im B fen wo Be = Feet Tiswers ? Alvi r 3 ove fir forest Fuchuan range, west of thé Mekong-Salwin divide and west of Wei-hsi, Joseph F. Rock, No. 2277) ¢ May—June 1932 uh xo] o 2 o o C3) = ~~ Fl Da r= a Qa fe} S) M0QG0589
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