OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AM E01468436 R. cephalanthum Franchet subsp. cephalanthum Det. J. Cullen, 1978 FAN MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY FLORA OF YUNNAN ONzG iia ee Field No, 19030 pateduen 13, 1938 nge-salween “ivide, Locality ; Altitude Te Habitat. Upon precipi fious. rock Habit: - . = “uo CV cL rect 1 rs Height ______- few tbe DBH.. Bark ss Dark grecn above, prow Leaf. tomentose beneath ager nink sy tre Flower OSY PLNK, Sa. Ve Sf zped. £ Fruit Notes ___ Gaus. Common Name : Family 12eLBe. Name 3 theded endron Cofphakaalhuar Collector T. T. Yui ao) ci Pad - A) 77) ® —_ es a sey ‘= > Qa ° cS) MQ00589
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