OCR text
Rhododendron molle (Bl.) G. Don ssp. molle Det. Kathleen A. Kron FLAS, 1987 Examined for a Revision of Rhododendron sect. Pentanthera 075 098 1.24 1.64 196 2.38 Allvalues are batch averages Density——» 005 009 016 022 03 03 Dow Williams 7 DS50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer copyright reserved Gries FLORA OF CHEKIANG PROVINCE, CHINA Herbarium of the University of Nanking Hh ode den dron Welle P27 Herb. No.8_“« é Tien Tai Shan | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Along 2b Slope-—~Smatl Free— Calletor Co Chg Koh Ching S2 | MMU men 468401 July P&. 1927
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