OCR text
Cree. §, 4 ack, Aon Q1995 A2k.: loos fA. tool SF. Tabet ee ld B orn breaparantion § SReur ie 5) ve y fA Cere-yy 4 pent - rol aia, eid fbrts. do, cart, . y ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AMA E01463934 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Southeast Tibet Rhododendron Bainbrids 1m oa @ ct ct ry £ Shrub 4-5 feet, Flowers pinkish red, in fir foresta, Altitude 14,000 feet. Mt. Kenichunpo, eastern and western slopes, Salwin and Irrawady divide. Joseph F. Rock, No. 21.995 May-July 1932 ao) o Pd i ® 77) a al = = = Po) a ° OF MQ00589
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