OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01463484 (tT v Sunisp Ce Ka n£r / Det. D.F. Chamberlain ) 47> l Ke Ce lenge EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET Rhododendron selense Franch. var. probum (Balf.f. and Forrest) Covan and Dav F, Lupiow, G. SHerriFF, & H. H. ELLIoT No. 45057 Det Cowan Locality a Altitude 19,500fts Calyx greens corolla white; anthers light browns filenents whites Style whites stign yellows = Date 25,5, 4917 ovary greets Tree 10ft.-15ft. In thick rain forests copyright reserved OD © wn S gS g =
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