OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN INB' EDINBURGH E01463270 R. (reunbrodgeannm Tagg & Fore Det. D. F. Chamberlain /¢50 Ex HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. PLANTAE FORRESTIANAE Rhododendron esetulosum Balf.f. et Forrest NeWe Yunnan, Shrub of 6 fest. In immture fruit. In scrub on the mrgins of thickets in side valleys on the Salwin-Kiu Chiang divide. Iat. 27°15* Ne. Long. 98°40" 2 Alt, 11,0000 feet. Forrest 25562 July 192h. MQ@Q0589 3 o > — o o 4 =) KS 2 — > roy ° e)
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