OCR text
eet ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. Pa Type-Speeimenr copyright reserved Ahonibehigme Aoraleiee (Bo) sty, det. Amitostigma tetralobum le oan . A ROYAL BOTANIC GAROEN ined by Luo Yi-bo_ Feb. 19, oo , ee 162708 — No. 4862. et = PLANTS OF E. TIBET AND 8.W. CHINA. Plant of 6-10 inches. Flowers DRGE FORREST. pale roge. ea f NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. Moist, stony meadows on the ee Ay Ki 0, oC | Co et Giff eastern flank of the Tali Range. Tat. 2868740'N. Alt. 8=-9000 ft. May-June 1906. W.Yunnan, China. pl E (05 j j =~ oS Doan, 4B SK Cech Gor.
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