OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ao © Ln fax) 2g g = PARC SH wt BMH 1980 Sino-American Botanical Expedition to Western Hubei Province People’s Republic of China copyright reserved Rhododendron maculiferum Franchet Shennongjia Forest District (31°30’N; 110°30’E): growing on the open, northwest- facing slope above and below the road to Chuifeng Pass. Elevation ca. 2800 m. Evergreen shrubs to 3.5 m in height. 1980 Sino-Amer. Exped. No. 123 26 August 1980 ‘Participants: B. Bartholomew (uc); D. E, Boufford (om); A. L. Chang (xun); Z. Cheng (wunan sv. Bor.); T. R. Dudley (wa); S. A. He (nas); Y. X. Jin (wuwan must. Bort.); O. Y, Li (wi); J. L. Luteyn (wy); S.A. Spongberg (a); Y. C. Tang " (PE); J. X. Wan (wuHAN usr. sor.); and T. S. Ying (PE). ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN — EDINBURGH Expedition conducted under the auspices of Academia Sinica & the | | | | ll | | | | | | Botanical Society of America with funding by Academia Sinica & support from the National Geographic Society. E01455501
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet