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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NA “ —01455077 R. annat Frremchek Met, D. LF. Chamberlain Series ITrroratum Rhododendron Annae Franchet in Journ, de Bot. XIT (1898) , 258. ~ pda peti ty. .. : NeWeYUNNAN, without precise locality, H. T. Tsai, noe 57032 I 57032, in 1934, Toad? a % 8ai's 57032 has narrow lanceolate leaves and cupular, white coloured with rose flushed flowers 2.5 em long 3 cm. broad, with glandular ovary and style glandular to the tip, on less glandular pedicels 1.5-2 cm. long. It is mere- nearer to Dt —_ 4 Rhodo. Annae Franchet rather than to Rkotes—~tmmeratun—~ranenet,, “SE Rhodo. laxiflorum Balf.f. et Forrest. — thodo. Annae was discovered by Bodinier on May 7, 1997 at + "ont de Lou-Tsang-koan" of Kweichow. But I can not find that 51 a ; Cea Place in the maps of Kweichow. , Rodinier had made botanical collections in Yunnan and_Xweiehew. It is pressumably a mistake : Ps @ Ton Ta WA S m in locality made by Bodinier, which may be Lang-Tsang of s0uth=Vestern Yunnan, which is called as Chengpien-hsien at pressent. MQQQ589 copyright reserved
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