OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01428944 from letter from Mrs Forrest. - = “ "He hopes to go to Hon-to at the head of ‘the Shweli valley to get a photograph if pos sible of some of the : siant specimens of ). GIGANT SUM. e°.sen t+-L0 EB ' = % \ men there recently and they brought back specimen PEE ne , = information that ina ner locality-they had come 2 ee ie hg : stands of the species. They informed him they act) specimens 43-5 ft. in diameter! He was sendi ng out 8 I _ party of his mm the ne xt week to cut do vn one of he es ‘ 7 = Giants! and to saw a cross section of the thickets por- oa me , aS tion of the trunk to send home for the Garden Museum." t a Se (Seay e a ee The details of this note should I think go along with the \ 2 3 . sheets of the species. Vor gigauttuun Cfow,) Cnowwo Det. D. F. Chamberlain 19719 2) Qe 23.5 ege W. YUNNAN Cott. GEORGE FORREST \ oe a ix G gt A LAA WA f Cr = ee A OMA i : - \ ~ . pti ce 6 by—) 9 \~ f ACA . aA f[ Ket \/ copyright reserved -M@e@@589
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