OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH TU E01428891 Approbavit D. F. CoamBertarn P Ex Herbario Musei Britannici BURMA@TIBET FRONTIER 1950-31 Rhododendron vesiculiferum Tagg, sp nov. Loc, Adung Valley 8=9 OOOft. 152541931 Coll. F.Kingdon-Ward No. 9485 ‘elle 9L85 K.W. 9485 A small gnarled tree, or large bushy shrub, now in full bloom; flowers from almost white to rosy purple, buds earmine.(In full sun the flowers are pale, in the forest, darker.) Alyeys with a deep purple posterior flash at base of corolla. Commen all along the river benk, and for a short distance up the mountain side amongst dense bambpp undergrowth, sometimes almost social. re abne xo} ) 4 o a e oad £ f°] e es ° 1S) MQ@QQ589
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