OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD 00 wn eg 2 g =~ ROYAL BOTA copyright reserved Sino-Scottish Expedition to Sichuan, China - May/June 1989 Rhododendron orbiculare Decaisne ssp. orbiculare China, Sichuan, Wolong, Wuyi Peng. Clitt[top knoll; 2600 m." Shrub, to 5 m- flowers in open trusses, rose with deep rose lines. 1989/05/27 i CCH 4016 1485:Ericaceae:092:004 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Collected by D. Chamberlain, P. Cox & | WINN . HubGhieon E01428484
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