OCR text
M@Q0589 xe} ao 2 ® ” g 4 Mom kK BM wy eA E . mo Ry o iE HA ag )y i ae BE A wipes me Om mR DF: ope Rw se OA A ez A Mma SS mM Approbavit Rhododendron orbiculare Decaisne. D. F. CHAMBERLAIN a 3 Tree 50 ft. high, among woods; leaves green above, brownish white beneath; fruit green; common. PLANTAE SZECHUANENSE ‘ Local. Po-shin, alt. 3500 m. Legit, «Ke. Le Chu, no. 3596. £ } > IZ6 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Datum, i5th Aug. 1956. EDINBURGH Deter. W. P. Fang NAAM E01428482
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