OCR text
LA 7 IOLA Vv: -" / MEA ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH INA E01428227 Ai POPP AVON ops pope Re ietminerlee Tit Fs Det. D. F. Chamberlain laa PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Yunnan Rhododendron coxyphaeum Balf.f. et Forrest lens SLAL CIS fe Tree 80 feet. Trunk 2 feet in diameter Flowers yellowish white. Tn; far terest. 1ti Lea) e vane aw BS test oF QO eS S Sai range, Yangtze-Mekong watershed. Joseph F. Rock, No. 35394 Oct.—-Nov, 1982 xo} o Pa he ) n 4 ol con Ae ‘= > Qa ° o M@GQ589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet