OCR text
K campyfocarpum (dvok./ subsp. cabewan Elam (Bel}/;A Fone) Det. D. F. Chamberlain /979 avi 3408 Rhododendron (Seed). Imaw Bum. Alt. 13,000 ft. A small tangled bush, 2 or 3 ft. high, the interlacing stems growing down the steep slope and then turning up. Leaves a striking bluish green (glaucous) on the upper surface. On steep boulder screes, in dry gullies, or on the granite cliffs. Recog-~ ‘nisable from a distance owing to the striking colour of the leaves. Not unlike No. 3300 in habit and shapeof leaf, but the fruit and calyx are different, and the latter has not the glaucous ‘Dloom'. (Same as No. 9721). 28th July 1919. Lat. 26°10'N. Long. 98°30'R. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UMN E01424795 9 Meee589 xo] oO. Po he ® 72) oe ed <= Bs = > a fe) oO
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