OCR text
934. \ \ 2 Ze E.. HERB. E. PALMER. ie OTE Ma Le Bae,| | LocaLiry.| o oe iia” COUNTY Pe ichode —O.xcda SO | COLL las gs. Prbine Ge Be EDINBURGH | ee. Tap k= UMA e. ee 01421524 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DATE (Conk, by PN tlilliowe - 3. Ex Her . WATERFALL. No.26%, GA wa. Lc) war. oRD NAME OF PLANT. Sagma Neheri Boris Locazrry. rea (nutvorn, Sater, Verer@ nasrrar.(Pohy fy Ales of SeStabiin Stew | et remarks. V C3‘) EDINBURGH confansson soTancn. pam, Yay by UNI EXCHANGE CLUB. / FFs. £01421525 — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ; Sagecia Rene : at (dee My alien Es LS treashécz iu. Rez ST97L oo a Bika aa Lecy ee Pia ben We, Vion wrel sha ii i ee ae Date— AAG... QL... eee we Ku. a. e) G* Ed. l AG 252 ; Contgstor 0.10 tage ; oe eee Order, (No. /2Z. ak. othiyllese xo] co) 2 co cy n 4 ea) <= goy ‘= > fo} ° oO MQ00323
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