OCR text
eR SERIES AN eet ae ee ~ get ee ee, eae ee M@00589 8 ANIC CARDEN. | Wu UARVON, | i 2 a | AINIRDIIRG!l EDINBURGH. | ; One 7 y 1 ; q com. 2 Ce 77) co) bs — = 4 5S Py a ° om. i PLANTS OF E. TIBET AND §.W. CHINA. S$ O-2 , Councrmy ny GEORGE FORREST. Gorucror For A. K, BULLEY of NESS, NESTON, CHESHIRE. Rf wh QL if 6 ‘ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN . arbortum -"— EDINBURGH Vek eee %. CLL. 7- 2 ig ee anebal ehant Teh Se Pte pcs wi Det. D. F. Chamberlain 19472
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