OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN IRGH inoy iQ 0 Fide Wood, Beaman & Beaman (1993) Orchids of Mt. Kinabalu Aerides odorata Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. Z2:525,. 1790. det. Eric A. Christenson June 1985 FLORA OF THE MALAY ISLANDS Clemens Expedition for the British Museum Name..Oyehtda,-~ ARC Collectors, J. & M S. CLEMENS. Island or Province...Biigy Dhie Bhigfiictecctecccnncnecasce Locality...... aS tee. Habitat ..... K4rno? Altitude above sea........ Tree, shrub, vine, herb ISITE On pOlart ei ates. een cne hk ee Diameter, breast high......... Haren ute a os mC Flower....... Pete separ, age of shee + “CUYD Le (Colour, odour, etc. inae.Spur’ yellow,s: a, purple: (Kind, use, odour, tlouk, pte Special notes...... gs a. Besse Lone (50423X) Wt 30222/142 160 Pads 4/31 H,J,R &L,Ld Gp U3 / Mee00493 SB ® Pt tae cH) 7) 4 = os io) = > 2. ° °
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