OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. CTICT oS. ue EZ. Aerides adevota Leur. Leaves [erthov a lowers Sweaty Scanlad ws CSP inleish the tips 5} oe Fis & the Narro® Yebal lie between the latercd eae peuple Spur browish, purple Speckled . GRIERSEN % LENG 3560 MAR 1182. AC NO 322025 FLORA OF BHUTAN Aerides odorata Lour. Sarbhang district: Jhogi Dhanra, 20 km above Sarbhang on Chirang road 26° 54" 90° 15° Subtropical forest slopes. Epiphytic orchid, living material. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Alt.c. 710 m 8 Mar. 19 82 gg) Soe ee ee wwii COLL Meee493 | Ho rasta Pale 9 --7--) copyright reserved
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