OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu 0) 683 Naot: out Tre, Rox burch Cae Ol. S63 gl 24! Cez20), Oy hae. Z Sl) DETERMINAVIT ERIC A, CHRISTENSON 7. Ms ant 432. FLORA OF BHUTAN Aerides cf multiflora Rchb. f. Phuntsholing 26°52! 89°23! Epiphyte on Dillenia pentagyna (885) in roadside plantation Leaves succulent, V-shaped in section. Fls pale purple, irregularly blotched purple on lower lip, faintly streaked on upper lip. Alt.c. 200 m 7 May 19 79 Coll. A.J.C. Grierson & D.G. Long No. 883 8.2° 9" 10 copyright reserved 7 m oO’ bd s g g =
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