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HERB. HORT. EDINB. ~m Oo st far) a g = 10 copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH z : c A C 14609 ULTIVATED PLANTS Name Ae nes bWwnliflova. Observations in cultivation Garden location Date 3/7/o< | Donor Mg 2s 8-1. Kgwvacd Det./Verif: Pp i | wis 7 NooN< Adige Will Mee | y ie i Lon winnochn, Kéinfftwyhire a Details of original collection A fy / eo : = (ollitled Vy ) VAM, UOov-SOA. pn och * LRT fe Re > SAU IVWW W/ SNe S7 5 Ld vu NSALCEY hoe eg Nepal- c 23 : Azar belies, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN BURG Dl ahs K y Ak d VK NOEAbANe 5~ 6000 nny gy er <
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