OCR text
FLORA OF (0.AasTRIM. Name EL KOCHARIS ee (Smr.) Gun. Locality Lough Lagh af wow LK of Six tt eee. hirttin.- Altitude Date 8 /? Ww ar Habitat Soy Shavighewon sLrve dfflewgh . Community Mixegh Poe potusles (L.) Kaeo. y Sede eis ij ee le co ne Det. b v Hinehd ity narks Asso. nth Elecchand ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN pine ee —« EDI GH LO ne “Cn EOI dine? Collector 7 0. 56 5; N N on 2 S = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN PN TO ert é RENE es 2 eee |, eae copyright reserved rs) Ea ee Ae BB ih lana 2 8 i we
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