OCR text
Flora of East Nepal
- 1988 Japan-Nepai Botanical Expedition to East Nepal
No. 9840079
Rhododendron arboreum Sm.
H= 6 m, DBH= 35 cm;; in a bush ona rocky slope.
: s = = Alt. 2020 m
Recorded for Flora of Nepal by |
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
el ree eee cee Nepal, Koshi Zone, Sankhuwasabha Distr: Hatiya (1540m)-Sursin
= : Khola (1590m)-Teju Khola (1800m)—Deurali (2070m)-Hc
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN a (2300m) (2070m)—Hongaon
EDINBURGH : °44/00"N 87°20/30"B_o7¢46' nn"
IMINO ee || vemeiee a
: August 199
ane Tuaane Registered by the
S. Noshiro, N. Acharya, K. avashi : . :
Society of Himalayan Botany 2001 Hi Talay tya, K. Kobayashi, Y. Omori, K. Shinozaki &
copyright reserved
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