OCR text
a nae SS ee : ad lll MQQ0327 pt copyright reserved HERBARIUM OF THE FLEMING SOCIETY. ) (NOV. COLL., BDIN.) Gen.. dle OC eat. = o.. Nololrd,, Moopalinr NAM 6 2225 cbn ccc en ss ce anacne ne cotncsennconcennncmmnancnnnenmracentnnnesnnd Loe. Duckduigilocsdel, Co... Kodisstoanal, owt. why 18 ri]. COLLECTOR. ; A Browne ‘elon Bp ee ee ee E, petiolrs ies Ss wot frat Ate hills Det. D.R. McKean s[2/ 98 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH 0 E01418372
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