OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NN HERB. HORT. EDINB. E00684014 MQ00589 ROYAL on V.WNEKe! Oo i © Pa a} aan z= = i s = > a fe} o Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh al Msc Trip to Belize 2002 Marantaceae Calathea Bel auze District: Cayo Monkey Tail, 7.4 km east of LCRS. By side of sunny path to forest. Hoce4'N, 88°S9'W Leafy shoot tall, 2-2.5 m. Inflorescence bracts pale yellowish-orange; flowers pale yellowish-orange with a paler yellow centre; anther yellow; style pale purple, stigma creamy. i a a S.H. Khaw No. KSH777 23 Apr 2002
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