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HERB. HORT. EDINB. Mee@0589 ey ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN C copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH WMI E00626780 MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Cannaceae Canna tuerckheimii Kraenzl. Det: David J. Harris BELIZE: Cayo: Cayo Dist.: Las Cuevas Research Station (LCRS). Monkey Tail, 7.4 km east from LCRS. By side of sunny path to forest. 16°44'19"N, 88°59'18"W. Leafy shoot tall, > 2m. Inflorescence with red flowers. Flowers: sepals orangy-red, purplish at margin, striped green; petals orangy-red; staminodes bright red; anther yellow; ovary green. Khaw, S.H. No. KSH776 Sheet er 23 Apr 2002 a O 4
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