OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. A Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 2 Lardizabalaceae Sinofranchetia chinensis (Franch.) Hemsl. Living collection info.: Peace, A.R. No. 2 30 SEP 2021 Accession number & Qualifier: 19970241*B N04/2 Herbarium & Glasshouse Lawns Shrubby liana, glabrous, stems to 3.5 cm in diam., climbing to a height of 5 m. Leaves mid-green, glaucous beneath. Fruit grape- like, blue-purple when mature, borne alternately on an elongated stalk. Seeds black, approx. 5 mm in length. 1094906 Donor: Howick Trustees: Associated material: DNA sample (E); Grown on from original wild collection: Sichuan Expedition (1996) 1735 CHINA: Sichuan: Daxian Pref.: Nanjiang Co.: 16 km E of Draba Forest Farm. Area of regenerating secondary woodland, growing through understorey of Salix spp., Linders sp., Rhus chinensis, Neillea sp., below juglans cathayensis, Rhus verniciflua and Betula luminifera in dense shade, NW aspect on granitic spoil, parent rock granite;. ca 1,550 m. 32°34'59"N, 107°3'59"E. 21 SEP 1996 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NL E£01378173 xo} ) ra cH) n 2 od <= D = > fo} ° (3) MQ@G0493
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