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raed Pr eS hs) mm rape a ae pea} ca] copyright reserved HEET DAMAGED BY ENEMY ACTION AT BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) ON 10 SEPTEMBER, 1940 ee Amry 4 Juv? Ex Herbario Musei Britannici FLORA OF TIBET. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NAME: Rhododendron megacalyx Balf. f. & Ward. EDINBURGH (HANA NT LOCALITY+ Rong T6 valley, Zayul: Tibet. £01409860 isis, ? ALTITUDE: 7,000 - 8,000 ft DATE: 12/5/1933. Kee 10402 Le GC 1 Ws - Reales , Bae & | ILL: Capt. ’.Kingdon-Ward to. 10402, Rhododendron megaealyx Balf.f.& Ward Rong To Valley,Zayul Tibet. 7#8,000ft. 120501933 S E EAoOn—-Warde o- 10402 A fine fora, trusses 5 flowered. KeWe 10402
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