OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ATIVENIOOT AOA TUOTOOH TET xo] o Po <i 0) 7) o pwd Sal x oD 5 Ps) foe ° (3) MSC Trip to Belize 2002 Putranjivaceae Drypetes brownii Standl. Belize District: Cayo 500m west of Las Cuevas Research station Forest intermediate between tropical dry forest, tropical moist forest and subtropical moist forest. 16°44'N, 88°59'W Alt: 580 m Tree 24m tall, DBH 30cm. Sepals green, flowers yellow, no petals en ee GARDEN apparent. Bark with many large lenticels, warty, with no longitudinal or RGH transverse striations. Bark slash cream, oxidising brown. Trunk has clean | | | | | | | | | rounded bole. No distinct sap, no scent. E00619629 Caldwell, Ailsa L. No. 4 23 Apr 2002
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet