OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH MA E01409489 ‘Just beginning to open. A la Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EX HERB. HORT.. BOT, REG. KEW. dace, “acimem, Lag (Llco Gorn, Je Vee, s x. Gn blaral Wo. 32 "Delei Valley. 11-12000 ft. alt. Flowers deep crimson with 5 circular coal black glands at the base. (Thus resembling a very Similar species collected in Tibet in 1924, named 'Coals of Fird)f rge shrub with ascending trunk sweeping up from the ground, to a height of 10 ft. Forms thickets which are practivally Lace in sheltered dips, and wattonsa hollows of the ridge. The curved pedicels also recall the Tibetian plant. 10/6/28. Furtner in flower. The corolla is rather fleshy and by reflected light has a rather bluish tinge but by transmitted light is blood red. Grows either as a moderate sized shrub in the forest or as shrub along the ridge with YSanguineum' species and the plum coloured 'Campylogynums'. 30/5/28. Ward 8258". xo] oO Pa ten o n KJ 5 ae £ > Qa ° oO M@00589
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