OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINB ptt MM F. CHAMBERLAIN 409480 . EX HERB: HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Nicolle hendrmn Crmecnim flgder Marol, No. £920. ‘ A ty ay f I! f Vins CES Vota tl 4 “F f yz ihe « ae A ; j "Doshong La. Alt. 1210-12000 ft. Shrub of 6-10 ft. forming dense tangled thickets by the stream. Flowers fleshy, brilliant scarlet, with 5 coal-black glands at the base. The first red- flowered species met with and a most striking one. Just breaking. 25/6/24. Ward 6830". xo} o Po — ® 72) 4 ad = i = a 2. ° (2) MQ00589
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