OCR text
x Buddleia davidii Franch. x Be fallowiana Balf.f.et W.W.Smith Det. A. JU. M. Leeuwenberg, 19 7s: .. Herbarium Vade ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN mgining V1 Up 1O% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN, EDINBURGH. CULTIVATED PLANTS. 62723 a oe October 1958 Buddleia macrostachya Shrub of 2m. Lower surface of leaves and stem white, woolly. Corolla lobes lilac, tube orange—lilac. Pollen abundant. Received from the Villa Toranto, Lake Maggiore, Italy in 1957. Nursery zo} a = c ‘ co 7) 2 eed ol 0 = 4) a 9° oO
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