OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH A E01409061 Approbavit D. F. CHAMBERLAIN EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET Rhododendron hirtipes Tagg det.J.Hutchinson & G.Taylor 1949=50 F, Luptow, G. SHerrirF, & H. H. ELLior No. 13551 Locality Kuang. Tsangpo Gorge. Kongbo Altitude 10, 000rt. Calyx russet pink; corolla pinkish white with pure pink on ribs, posterior petal spotted pinkish purple; filaments white,» anthers brown; style white, stidpate 27s 19h7 brownish green; pedicels preenish pink. Shrub 4ft.6ft. growing in Picea forest. ce] cy Po i o 72) 2 a) <= D = Sy a fo] oe MQ@QQ589
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