OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Me@0@589 fo) pat xo) ® = i co n 4 ad Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh FLORA OF MEXICO Citharexylum tetramerum Brand. Locality: Mexico: Hidalgo: I km north of Logs Duraznos on Highway 85 towrads Zimapan. Rocky cGréevilces on almost vertical) cliuttgs above road. 2225 m- 20°55'N, 99°12'W_ Notes: Shrub to 50cm tall. Flowers not seen. Fruit green at first, maturing black. ROYAL ore om E WMC catches agceee i ee ‘so 00156242 Coll. Num. 5239 Date: 1 Nov 1992
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