OCR text
: t i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01402707 ae = 2 ee Ex Herbario Musei Britannici R nerii torom ee FLORA OF BURMA*TIBET FRONTIER close f subop- Pp Roucvop nae Rhododendron neriiflorum subsp. Det. D. F. Chamberlain /977 Loc. Adung Valley 8~9,000ft. 25.23.1931 A compact shrub, up to 3 or 4ftehigh, just coming into bicom along the edge of the forest. Flowers blood red, No.9321 slightly mottled inside the throat. Leaves with a thin skein of cotton hairs on the under surface, but these easily rub off & ere apt to disappear. The flowers have none of the glandular hairs on calyx and pedicel which are such a feature of No.9222, nor has this plant the persistent leaf bud scales characteristic of No.9222 KeW.9321 K.W.9321 10 copyright reserved a 00 Ww 2 ® © =i)
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