OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ror gor en 4 [2/25 wiititiginn NM. tuth ate Pee ae. tf US taut Dey 1— = 4 a Hp wl len, c 7 hyp jaw Cotype pa ftom eps oe ures 25" Forrest mel Pato oy 5 <9 Yunnan o sins (SOOOCOOOL IIS SS SS STSDOSS SSS SS SST ELS . Forrest ~ io - . Forrest _ 5. Forrest _ 3 9 6 © ae Ss: “25 d Yuntige oS =“ 4 ISOTYPE of Rhocookrdren. eucha'tea, apes Note ROCE x11) :43 Gr
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet