OCR text
Pph. Cudoénun. Ll. p el Vidit Cte, oF . st i Uae 2? R. euctoxum Balf./. & Fow. Var. cuko SAM [Albino] Det. D. F. Chamberlain 197¢y ys ff ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN aw <5 EDINBURGH <Of: E01402518 PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China, Plants of Southeast Tibet Province of Tsarung Rhododendron sp. Shrub 3-4 feet. Flowers white, Above fir forest. Altitude 13,500: tee. Forests and alpine regions of the Solo-la. Joseph F. Rock, No. 32643 August—October 1932 copyright reserved MQ@Q0589
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