OCR text
KR eucloxam BeAf {.- Bhaw: Nav, eurcloxum ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN . D. F. Chamberlai 19 EDINBURGH eee QUAN E01402517 fa. Curl onciom Aol. f. el Fareet. Quleyr.: Vidit Jue PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China. Plants of Southeast Tibet Province of Tsarung Rhododendron sp. fi of -—~4 feet, Ae 12 faat Lt 154 Jaa ‘ Mountains west of the Kaakerpo, Dokerla and Yundshi. Joseph F. Rock, No. 231 41 May-June 1932 xo} a) - co) n ® ta oad pod Hey = > 2. ° o MQQQ0589
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet