OCR text
7 ee he footy wry OWwoa I Riridkvon Determinavit “66 = e mont poseanum DVawidiin Fide Davrcan, (978 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH wT 43568 Calyx green. Corolla dark brown greenish, rite or pale inauve, with purplish | Style white, stigma brown Pedicels BX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI- FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET Rhododendron magnificum Ward F. Luptow, G. SHERRIFF, & H. H. ELLior No. 13568 Locality petween Nyuksang and Senge Dzong, Fool ot aes : Tsangpo Gorge, Kongbo. Calyx green; corolla white or pale mauve, with purplish base; filaments white, anthers dark Date 294e1947 brown~greenish; style white, stigna brown; pedicels greenish red; indumentum silvery. _ Tree or shrub up to 15ftehigh. silvery. Tree or shrub up to V5 /£t. bag. se, Filaments white, anthers greenish red, Indumentum copyright reserved M@Q0589
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