OCR text
bole Rerex LEI. subsp. fictotacleum = subsp. arezelum Det. D. F. Chamberlain 197% ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH AAU E01402115 PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern Ohina. Plants of Southeast Tibet Province of Tsarung 25 ASO ie Tree 1 i. Flowers vellot Alpine rege: es Altitude 12, feet, Northern slopes of Mt. Kenichunpo, north of Sikitung, Upper Salwin River Joseph F. Rock, No. May-June 1939 arizelu lalf.f. et Forrest ROYAL sou vAWNE Led GARDEN EDINBURGH 10 copyright reserved 2 : i 2 2 5 a Me@ee@s89 0.52
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