OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu 00000 xo} Oo | > | he o ” ® See ~ a oes 2 a > rok fe) oO HOLOTYPE of bled edendren. repens. Kal Joa Feccost. vors.shomatthneme Meter. hey bets ds Edinbeegl = [h:te6. eal)”. TYPE R. chemoethomsonts (Pag, A Fow' +4 ee agp waren 6° Marthe (R vepend ver. chamnethaums Tagy ADaoid Det. D. F. Chamberlain /49¢ f 7 EX HERB: HORT. BOT. REG. KEW. Rhecbsdlenclrimns Eh slick But, l¥ mand oth 0 flsythirns Maroe , Ne, $849. | Not "Rnodo. sp. Flowers rose or carmine paler than in nos. 5845 & 58463; sometimes quite pale pink, usually with darker spotting on upper half of corolla. Prostrate ascending undershrub 1-4 ft. high growing amongst boulders on the sheltered side of the hill, in very broken ground. A dense scrub of several species covers the hillside. Doshong La. 1212-15000 ft. Alt. 24/6/24, Ward 5847'™, Type Specimen | K ; hewmen tower 6an. Oh a ceria Ge tn
1 0 1 Oo ire} 7 < eS ce} i> =~ = i) ” 1 © ;™% 1s ie) er oi wii aaa Fh. repens var chamaethauma, Tage et Hggeaemetr. er eee 4 agg ng, 7 Habit. A prostrate ascending undershrub 1 ft. high, annual growth comparatively long, perulae deciduous. Leaves. Lamina elliptic, roundeé or obtuse at apex; base rounded obtuse; upper surface minutely rugulose with scattered hair vestiges, particularly on midrib; under surface sparse thin veil of hairs and some sessile glands. Petiole Inflorescence an umbel of 4=5 flowers (1+2 repens), bracts not persistingsaround pedicel. Pedicel about 1 cm. long, clad with short glands and strigose hairs, slightly broad at apex. Calyx large about 5-7 mm. long, lobes fringed with hairs like those on pedicel and with a few glands. Corolla less tubular than the type, shorter more funnel shaped lobes more crenulate less emarginate. Stamens slightly shorter than the style, puberulous at base 1 bak. 7 CM. long. Pistil slightly exceeding stamens, about 1.8 cm. long; ovary (2.3 mm. in type) clad with glands mixed with hairs (strigose or slightly fasciately branched). Differs from the type chiefly in the many flowered umbel and the deciduous inflorescence bracts _ the want of perulae on older wood= the less prostrate not rooting stems.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet