OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH i £014020 = R. word; L909 Se - vow. paralbur (Bal/./, 3 0.0.5» Gent Det. D.F. Chamberlain 1924 EX HERBARIO MUSEI BRITANNICI FLORA OF SOUTH EAST TIBET Rhododendron puralbum Balf.f.& W.W.Sn. det.J.Hutchinson & G.Taylor 1949-50 F. Luptow, G. SHERRIFF, & H. H. ELLIoT No. 15091 Locality Deyang la. Kongbo Altitude 12,000rt. Calyx reddish green; corolla white, posterior petal much speckled purple; filaments white, anthers light brown; style vhite, stigma pink, ovary reqDate 146.1947 &hairy. Shrub 3ft.-ift., in rocks above forest. oO’ © wn S g g a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved
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