OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Mee0493 fs e co n 2 a = —_ = ro} ° (3) is LE vchiming Det. AGpr— V. W906 PLANTS OF KALIMANTAN Annonaceae Cre er A Pes SEE FRUIT AND SEED Cor CP -OLLECT low Headwaters of S. Kahayan; 5 km NW of Tumbang Sian logging camp; Sikatan Wana Ra ya logging concession. OF 35/'Sr 13°25". AG 50min Primary lowland forest. Tree c. 10m tall; ©. 15 cn dia.; tepal pale yellow, sweet scent. ot Burley, Tukirin et al. eT 26 April, 1988 OID UNION OAT oe ETA E00016906 HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE
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