OCR text
MQ00327 -|- 1 - Herh. Mra. Enid M. MacAlister Hall 45 of Killean Gifted by copyright reserved = (3 «1. he No.2 4.4.2, Edit, L. C, Date .. (3/6 ,/- 26. . ‘ [atin NameliZeca: cyclin Claéalar.v tr English Name... ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Natural Order Commoaroclaé..... ae Anacyclus clavatus Pers.? [Ref. No. 2349.] Waste ground, by EDINBURGH Locality... Pakteenee....x-Prplice....£ finicy, hak ctenaek -maltings, Hythe Quay, Colchester, June 13, 1926. Apparently this, SNe: x V.C-¢9 but impossible to determine in the absence of fruit, none of the plants AMM | | eS having survived to the fruiting stage—G. C. Brown. “ Yes ; E01375866 A. clavatus.”—THELLUNG.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet