OCR text
————E HERB. HORT. EDINB. oO 0 wy 2 2 g = us C3 Ex. Merb, i LEIDEN | tee Hoon oS | FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand AMILY: ICACLNACKAR . copyright reserved Eommon Name: | 30TANICAL NAME; Gomphendra tetrendra (Wall.) Sleum, *rovince; CHIANG MAT District; Chiana Dao -OCation: Doi Chiang Dao, east fide, Pa Byawng Cave area levation: 725° om, “Date: 16 December 1989 dabitat; *hacaed understorey of the mostl_y primary evergrem Hhrests limestone * terrain ; Votes: tree 14 m, dbh 17 cms bark thin, finely pustul are). enticell ate ereyy branchle ts ereehish-greyish; infructescence axes & fruits i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN dark glossy green above, bright green underre ath ereeny diades EDINBURGH duplicates:
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