OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377488 FLORA OF SOUZHERN A FIRE CA Weg: Aand CA ASCA MEM (abide is Naw.) Nlbfenke a) 4 sp f Pa N / battens. fe Pree’ Pk. va Rm WN / Wroles re fen E melo Yeo a> : Ke Onan nriaf Kot / Sereral Slém— roma nod bteck Qrey “ont a, 7 ff taco VZklAd . J Sawer i wee — O.M. Hilliard Date Jer. (96h B.L. Burtt No. F566 DE 441133/2 TCL xo} ci) © oi 77) 2 — = = = re} ° oO
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