OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH LI E0137747 HERB. HORT. EDINB. y C.E. MOSS HERBARIUM (J) : _ FLORA OF THE TRANSVAAL Plexipus pinnatifidus (L.f.) R. Fernandes var, pinnatifidus | South Africa =, Transvaal 2408 03108 AA Pilgrim’s Rest District, Northeast of Hoedspruit, Klaserie Private Nature Reserve, Near the Olifants River, HABITAT; Bushveld. On rocky koppies. ALT. ; 000330 a NOTES: Upright bushes to 60 cm tall, Le d | slightly succulent. Flowers cream, es COLL.: K, Balkwill & M-J, Cadman COLLECTED ON 20/10/1987 prr,: K, Balkwil] FILING: Family: 265 VRB GENSPEC, : 1148,000-0 J number: 073078, Rone. 000-01300 Special Collection(s): Genus / Species: 7148 / Dup’s: B, RSA, NO.: 3894 Locality: 2431440100 M@QQ589 se] ra . ® n 2 [md i =) E 2 ° rs)
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