OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01377472 HERB. HORT. EDINB. C.B. KOSS HBRBARLUM (J) PLORA OF KWAZULU / WATAL Plexipus hederaceus Sond, var, hederaceus South Africa » Natal 280 0300 “i Weenen District, Between Weenen and Tugela Estates, Near Sun Valley Estates, LT.: 00 HABITAT: Valley bushveld. ee Roadside bush. NOTES: Upright herb, Flowers pale yellowish-crean, COLL.: K, Balkwill, M-J. Balkwill & D, . Green COLLECTED ON 18/03/1989 DRT.: si 1 Balkwiii Cia Family: 265 VRB GENSPEC,: 7148,000- — {4 number; 078763, Genus / §$ Special Collection(s): ian! Dup's: By B, Locality: 2830ccn9nn copyright reserved oO eo un 2 2 © =
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