OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NMA E01377380 HERB. HORT. EDINB. C.B, HOSS HERBARIUK (J) FLORA OF THE TRANSVAAL Duranta erecta L. SOUTH AFRICA = ss, _Transvaal _ 2405 02908 AA Potgietersrus District, near the boundary of the farm Maribashoek 50 KS and Vier-en-Twintig Rivier i ALT. : 001500 o HABITAT: Part evergreen- semi-riverine forest at foot of quartzite gulley, Usually in much shade, NOTES: Woody, erect to sub-erect shrub, to 2 m high. Leaves opposite with sharp axillary spines. aa apparently immature, papery calyx easily rubbed off. COLL,: B. Maguire NO,: COLLECTED ON 15/04/1966 DRT.: I.H. Hartley FILING: Family: 265 VRB GRNSPEC.: 7162.000-00050 | J number: 077122, Genus / Species: 7162 / 1 Special Collection(s}: Dup’s: B, B, M0, RSA, Locality: 2429443600 7628 10 9 copyright reserved if OD 0 Ww a © gS =
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